Truck N Co Big Rigs Series

Truck N Co Big Rigs Youtube Series

The big Rig series is a concept we came up with inspired by our customers enthusiasm for their Trucks.
The passion they show for their Rigs we want to give them a way to show them off! By creating this
channel we give you the opportunity to show off your pride and joy, promote yourself and your business
to our ever growing industry focused audience.

How to Create Your Truck N Co Big Rigs Video

Creating a video of your truck is an excellent way to showcase your pride and joy to others. In this
tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a video of your truck using your smartphone.

Step 1: Shoot the main Video

Use your smartphone to shoot a high-quality video of you and your truck. Make sure to shoot all content in landscape mode, holding your phone sideways rather than upright.

For the main video, aim for around 1 minute long, where you introduce yourself, your business and your truck.
Begin by telling us your name, the type of truck you have, and the service or run you provide.
Then, talk about your truck and its features, such as its engine, transmission, or design.
Finish by telling us what you like the most about your truck, whether it's a unique feature or the comfort of the cabin. Remember to be yourself and avoid swearing. Its great if you’ve got someone to hold the camera and assist!

Step 2: Capture Additional Shots

Now that you have your main video, it's time to capture some additional shots of your truck. Make sure to focus on the features that you mentioned in the main video so that viewers can see them in action.
Examples of additional shots could include the truck driving away, walking around the truck, and shots of the inside of the cabin. Remember to keep your phone in landscape mode while capturing these shots.

Step 3: Upload to Google Drive

Once you're happy with all of your videos, simply upload them to your specific Google Drive folder provided by Truck N Co. Make sure to name your files clearly so that we can easily identify them.
And that's it! With just a few simple steps, you've created your own Truck N Co big rigs video. Thank you for sharing your passion with us, and we look forward to showcasing your video to others.